Danceable Feast Cook Book


You can use this page to submit your recipes, your song suggestions, or a recipe and song choice you think pair well together (see prompts below), or you can email Ari directly with the same information.  To send an email, please go to the CONTACT US page, and follow the directions there  (Having you send us an email would actually be preferable since the format will be much easier to copy and paste for editing the book, but if you can't send an email, please use the form below)

You may submit as many recipes and song suggestions as you like in a single email (the more the merrier!), but if you are using this form, please use a separate form each time per recipe.

If you have any trouble with this form, please go to the CONTACT US page and follow the direction there to submit your recipe by email.

Submit Recipe & Music Selection

============= ABOUT YOU =============

What region of the country would you consider yourself in?


Please select one of the following:

============== RECIPE ============

Recipe Type (please check the following that apply to the recipe you are submitting)

Please let us know the following special qualifiers about your recipe, if applicable (choose all that apply)


============== SONG PAIRING ==============

Please let me know which option you choose. If you would like to submit your own song and/or dance style title, please fill out the song information below:

Dance Style(s) that go with this song (please select the main one or two that you think apply)


===== The following are OPTIONAL (but much appreciated) =====


*** PLEASE NOTE: After you click the "SUBMIT" button, you may be taken to a page that has the following message: "404. Sorry, we can't seem to find that page, click here to return to the homepage." If you see this message, please DON'T WORRY -- your recipe has been submitted correctly. We are currently trying to figure out why that bug is there. Sorry for any confusion this might cause, and thank you for your submission!